Lidija Radovanović

+38111 3303 784
Soba 115
Kratka biografija

Datum i mesto rođenja: 2. jul 1980. godine u Jagodini. Obrazovanje: Теhnološko-metalurški fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, upisala 1999. godine, diplomirala 2006. godine na katedri za Neorgansku hemijsku tehnologiju, odsek Elektrohemijsko inženjerstvo. Školske 2010/11. godine upisala je postdiplomske studije na TMF-u, na katedri za Opštu i neorgansku hemiju. Učestvuje na istraživanjima u okviru projekta "0-3D nanostrukture za primenu u elektronici i obnovljivim izvorima energije: sinteza, karakterizacija i procesiranje", evidencioni broj 45007, 2011-2018.

Oblasti interesovanja
  • Kristalografija
  • Crystallography
  1. D.D. Poleti, J.R. Rogan, L.D. Radovanovic, M.V. Rodic, Structural, spectral and thermal properties of 2-(2-pyridylamino)pyridinium trihydrogen pyromellitate, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 637–648.
  2. N.B. Tasic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, L.D. Radovanovic, G.O. Brankovic, Synthesis and characterization of mu-hydroxido- and mu-polycarboxylato-bridged iron(III) complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 941–952.
  3. D.D. Poleti, J.R. Rogan, M.V. Rodic, L.D. Radovanovic, Mixed-ligand Mn-II and Cu-II complexes with alternating 2,2'-bipyrimidine and terephthalate bridges, Acta Crystallographica Section C, 71 (2015) 110–115.
  4. L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, N.N. Begovic, Structural diversity of manganese(II) complexes containing 2,2'-dipyridylamine and benzenedicarboxylates. Conformational analysis of tere-, iso- and phthalate ions: An experimental and quantum chemical approach, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 445 (2016) 46–56.
  5. L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.D. Milutinovc, M.V. Rodic, Polymeric zinc complexes with 2,2'-dipyridylamine and different benzenepolycarboxylato ligands: Synthesis, structure, characterization and antimicrobial activity, Polyhedron, 112 (2016) 18–26.
  6. A.M. Lazic, B.Dj. Bozic, V.D. Vitnik, Z.J. Vitnik, J.R. Rogan, L.D. Radovanovic, N.V. Valentic, G.S. Uscumlic, Structure-property relationship of 3-(4-substituted benzyl)-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4]nonane-2,4-diones as new potentional anticonvulsant agents. An experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1127 (2017) 88–98.
  7. A.M. Lazic, N.P. Trisovic, L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, Z.J. Vitnik, V.D. Vitnik, G.S. Uscumlic, Towards understanding intermolecular interactions in hydantoin derivatives: the case of cycloalkane-5-spirohydantoins tethered with a halogenated benzyl moiety, CrystEngComm, 19 (2017) 469–483.
  8. L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, Z. Jaglicic, A terephthalate-bridged two-dimensional heteronuclear Cu(II)-Mn(II) complex with a terminal 2,2'-dipyridylamine ligand, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 82 (2017) 1247–1258.
  9. L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, Z. Jaglicic, Diaquabis(2,2'-dipyridylamine) M(II) Terephthalate Dihydrates, M(II) = Ni, Co: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Thermal and Magnetic Properties, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 65 (2018) 191–198.

Inovacioni Centar – Tehnolosko-Metalurskog Fakulteta