Lidija Radovanović
Kratka biografijaDatum i mesto rođenja: 2. jul 1980. godine u Jagodini. Obrazovanje: Теhnološko-metalurški fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, upisala 1999. godine, diplomirala 2006. godine na katedri za Neorgansku hemijsku tehnologiju, odsek Elektrohemijsko inženjerstvo. Školske 2010/11. godine upisala je postdiplomske studije na TMF-u, na katedri za Opštu i neorgansku hemiju. Učestvuje na istraživanjima u okviru projekta "0-3D nanostrukture za primenu u elektronici i obnovljivim izvorima energije: sinteza, karakterizacija i procesiranje", evidencioni broj 45007, 2011-2018.
- D.D. Poleti, J.R. Rogan, L.D. Radovanovic, M.V. Rodic, Structural, spectral and thermal properties of 2-(2-pyridylamino)pyridinium trihydrogen pyromellitate, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 637–648.
- N.B. Tasic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, L.D. Radovanovic, G.O. Brankovic, Synthesis and characterization of mu-hydroxido- and mu-polycarboxylato-bridged iron(III) complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79 (2014) 941–952.
- D.D. Poleti, J.R. Rogan, M.V. Rodic, L.D. Radovanovic, Mixed-ligand Mn-II and Cu-II complexes with alternating 2,2'-bipyrimidine and terephthalate bridges, Acta Crystallographica Section C, 71 (2015) 110–115.
- L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, N.N. Begovic, Structural diversity of manganese(II) complexes containing 2,2'-dipyridylamine and benzenedicarboxylates. Conformational analysis of tere-, iso- and phthalate ions: An experimental and quantum chemical approach, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 445 (2016) 46–56.
- L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.D. Milutinovc, M.V. Rodic, Polymeric zinc complexes with 2,2'-dipyridylamine and different benzenepolycarboxylato ligands: Synthesis, structure, characterization and antimicrobial activity, Polyhedron, 112 (2016) 18–26.
- A.M. Lazic, B.Dj. Bozic, V.D. Vitnik, Z.J. Vitnik, J.R. Rogan, L.D. Radovanovic, N.V. Valentic, G.S. Uscumlic, Structure-property relationship of 3-(4-substituted benzyl)-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4]nonane-2,4-diones as new potentional anticonvulsant agents. An experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1127 (2017) 88–98.
- A.M. Lazic, N.P. Trisovic, L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, Z.J. Vitnik, V.D. Vitnik, G.S. Uscumlic, Towards understanding intermolecular interactions in hydantoin derivatives: the case of cycloalkane-5-spirohydantoins tethered with a halogenated benzyl moiety, CrystEngComm, 19 (2017) 469–483.
- L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, Z. Jaglicic, A terephthalate-bridged two-dimensional heteronuclear Cu(II)-Mn(II) complex with a terminal 2,2'-dipyridylamine ligand, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 82 (2017) 1247–1258.
- L.D. Radovanovic, J.R. Rogan, D.D. Poleti, M.V. Rodic, Z. Jaglicic, Diaquabis(2,2'-dipyridylamine) M(II) Terephthalate Dihydrates, M(II) = Ni, Co: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Thermal and Magnetic Properties, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 65 (2018) 191–198.